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Waterborne products

Waterborne products

Today, the civil engineering and coatings industries are without any doubt convinced of the advantages of using waterborne epoxy systems: these systems are environment‑friendly, they offer enhanced work comfort (less smell) and reduced toxicity for the applicators working in closed areas. They are not flammable, they allow for easy cleaning of the application tools with water. These systems also do exhibit excellent adhesion on concrete and on humid surfaces, and they can even be used on wet concrete.

However, formulators are still reluctant to switch to waterborne epoxy binders because they still encounter problems using those:

waterborne systems tend to cure slowly; their application thickness is often limited; the final gloss of cured coatings is also known to be poor, because of an imperfect film formation process. Finally, the protective efficiency of aqueous epoxy formulations, in particular on metal, is regularly questioned and does not always attain the performances achieved by their non-aqueous counterparts.

In QR-Polymers, we believe we can offer waterborne curing agents which address these concerns. Through R&D and close cooperation with our customers, we are continuously improving and expanding our product range to meet today and tomorrow market requirements.

A summary of our main waterborne products can be found below.

(% m/m)
Viscosity @25°C (mPa.s)HEW
Gel time
Uses and comments
Q-RIT 10515030000-50000210120-180 (a)
≥ 6 hours (b)
Aqueous epoxy-polyaminoamide adduct without cosolvent, for concrete and metal coatings. Enables to emulsify epoxy resins in water. Good adhesion on metal and mineral substrates, including wet concrete.
Use with liquid epoxy resin (phr 110, resin EEW 190) or with solid dispersion.
Q-RIT 10615013000-23000210120-180 (a)
≥ 6 hours (b)
Universal aqueous epoxy-polyaminoamide adduct without cosolvent, for concrete and metal coatings. Enables to emulsify epoxy resins in water. Excellent adhesion on a variety of substrates. Dilutable to very low solids for a good impregnation of concrete. High flexibility, ideal for use on metal. Outstanding corrosion protection when combined with solid resin.
Use with liquid epoxy resin (phr 110, resin EEW 190) or with solid dispersion.
Q-RIT 10715518000-2800023060 (a)
≥ 6 hours (b)
Aqueous amine-adduct without cosolvent for general industrial coatings, floorings, epoxy-modified concrete, grouts. Formulation of thick systems. Very fast hardening and early water resistance.
Use with liquid epoxy (phr 120, resin EEW 190) or with solid resin dispersion.
Q-RIT 10754015000-3500041590 (a)
120 (b)
Aqueous amine-adduct without cosolvent for metal and concrete coatings. Excellent water and salt spray resistance. Fast physical drying, full cure after 2-3 days. Low colour and high UV-resistance with good gloss retention.
Use with liquid epoxy (phr 220, resin EEW 190) or with solid resin emulsion.
RD-0205WH70Typically 1000018060 (a)
≥ 6 hours (b)
Amine-adduct, 70% solids in propylene glycol n-butyl ether. For waterborne dispersions. Can emulsify epoxy resins. Highly pseudoplastic. Can be charged with zinc in the formulation of zinc rich primers.
Use with liquid epoxy (phr 100, resin EEW 190) or solid resin dispersion.
(a) with liquid resin (EEW 190), 100 g mix, measured @23°C
(b) with solid resin dispersion (EEW 450-560 on 100% solid), 100 g mix, measured @23°C

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(% m/m)
Viscosity @25°C (mPa.s)EW
Uses and comments
E-Pos 1011W5555800-5000480-560 (a)Aqueous dispersion of solid epoxy resin.
For anticorrosive, industrial coatings and civil engineering applications (concrete sealers). Long pot-life, very good chemical resistance and mechanical properties.
E-Pos 10141001500-4000190-250Emulsifiable liquid epoxy resin.
For civil engineering applications (concrete sealers/primers, floorings, tile joints, cement modification…), adhesives.
E-Pos 1014W60603000-13000190-250 (a)Aqueous liquid resin emulsion.
For civil engineering applications (concrete sealers/primers, floorings, tile joints, cement modification…), adhesives.
(a) on 100% solid resin
Waterborne zinc rich primers

Waterborne zinc rich primers

There is increasing interest globally for water-based industrial paints. Water-based zinc rich primers are difficult to prepare due to the reactivity of zinc powder with water, evolving hydrogen gas. As a result, solvent-based materials are still widely used. QR Polymers has developed an innovative concept of a water-free water-based hardener: RD-0205WH which has been specifically developed for this application. The zinc is dispersed in the hardener which contains no water and is mixed with the water-based resin component containing other fillers and additives with additional water to the desired solids content before application. Dispersions of zinc powder in RD-0205WH are stable to settling and do not produce gas on prolonged storage even at elevated temperatures.

RD-0205WH is an isolated amine adduct supplied as 70% solids in propylene glycol n-butyl ether. RD-0205WH is miscible with water and is designed for use with modified or non-modified standard liquid epoxy as well as with liquid resin emulsions and solid resin dispersions (such as E‑Pos 1011W55). RD-0205WH has an easy 1:1 recommended mix ratio with standard liquid epoxy resin (EEW 190 g/eq).

An additional benefit of RD-0205WH is its inherent pseudoplastic nature, increasing the stability and resistance to settling of zinc rich paints with the zinc dispersed into RD‑0205WH without water. Water and the resin component are added immediately prior to application.

RD-0205WH exhibits high reactivity at ambient temperature and forms excellent films when cured with solid or liquid epoxy resins.

RD-0205WH requires no ADR labelling.



毫无疑问当今水性环氧体系在土木工程和涂料领域的应用具有明显的优势。水性体系它环保,它提供工作的舒适度(如低气味)以及减少封闭环境下对操作者的毒性危害。它们不易燃,它们用水即可轻松清洗操作设备。 水性体系在混凝土和潮湿表面表现出良好的粘接性,另外它们也能用于湿润的混凝土。




  • 2015年2月1日国家对VOC含量超过420克/升(含)的涂料征收4%消费税政策。
  • 国务院办公厅发布《贯彻实施质量发展纲要2016年行动计划》,明确提出开展含挥发性有机物涂料质量标准提升行动。
  • 2016年3月2日国家发改委和商务部正式发布《市场准入负面清单草案(试点版)》,涉及多个涂料板块被禁限的产品项目。



  • 2016年4月26日,发改委、工信部等24部门联合印发《关于促进消费带动转型升级的行动方案》,提出推广使用水性涂料等环保装修材料;
  • 2016年5月18日,国务院办公厅发布《关于促进建材工业稳增长调结构增效益的指导意见》,指出要加快推广应用水性涂料产品;
  • 2016年10月11日,工信部发布《建材工业发展规划(2016-2020年)》,提出推广应用水性、粉末和高固体分等低挥发性有机物(VOCs)的涂料,发展无污染、健康环保的装饰装修材料;
  • 2016年10月14日,工信部发布《石化和化学工业发展规划(2016-2020年)》,提出加强环保型涂料产品的研发和推广应用,综合整治挥发性有机物(VOCs);
  • 2016年11月13日,工业和信息化部正式发布《国家鼓励的有毒有害原料(产品)替代品目录(2016年版)》《目录》,涉及大量的水性涂料替代溶剂型涂料产品项目。



% m/m
粘度 @25°C (mPa.s)HEW
Gel time
Uses and comments
Q-RIT 10515030000-50000210120-180 (a)
≥ 6 hours (b)
Aqueous epoxy-polyaminoamide
与液体环氧树脂(phr 110, 树脂EEW 190)或固体环氧树脂分散体配合使用。
Q-RIT 10615013000-23000210120-180 (a)
≥ 6 hours (b)
与液体环氧树脂(phr 110, 树脂EEW 190)或固体环氧树脂分散体配合使用。
Q-RIT 10715518000-2800023060 (a)
≥ 6 hours (b)
Aqueous amine-adduct without
与液体环氧树脂(phr 120, 树脂EEW 190)或固体环氧树脂分散体配合使用。
Q-RIT 1072557000-10000225120 (a)
≥ 6 hours (b)
Q-RIT 1071的慢速版;良好的保光泽性能;
与液体环氧树脂(phr 120,树脂EEW 190)或固体树脂分散体配合使用.
Q-RIT 10754015000-3500041590 (a)
120 (b)
与液体环氧树脂(phr 220,树脂EEW 190)或固体树脂分散体配合使用.
RD-0205WH70Typically 1000018060 (a)
≥ 6 hours (b)
Amine-adduct, 70% solids in propylene glycol n-butyl ether. For waterborne dispersions. Can emulsify epoxy resins. Highly pseudoplastic. Can be charged with zinc in the formulation of zinc rich primers.
Use with liquid epoxy (phr 100, resin EEW 190) or solid resin dispersion.
(a) 与液体环氧树脂 (EEW 190)配合使用 @23°C
(b) 与固体环氧树脂 (EEW 450-560)配合使用 @23°C

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(% m/m)
Viscosity @25°C (mPa.s)EW
Uses and comments
E-Pos 1011W5555800-5000480-560 (a)Aqueous dispersion of solid epoxy resin.
For anticorrosive, industrial coatings and civil engineering applications (concrete sealers). Long pot-life, very good chemical resistance and mechanical properties.
E-Pos 10141001500-4000190-250Emulsifiable liquid epoxy resin.
For civil engineering applications (concrete sealers/primers, floorings, tile joints, cement modification…), adhesives.
E-Pos 1014W60603000-13000190-250 (a)Aqueous liquid resin emulsion.
For civil engineering applications (concrete sealers/primers, floorings, tile joints, cement modification…), adhesives.
(a) on 100% solid resin

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